- 散發濃醇香氣的頂級牛奶風味餡片
- 規格:0.6kg × 10片/箱
- 賞味期限:製造日期起120天
Milk Roll In Sheet
- Features : Strong top class milk fragrance and flavor.
- Package Specification : 0.6Kg × 10 pieces /box
- Shelf life : 120 days from the production date
- 濃郁的巧克力風味及色調,且層次感明顯。
- 規格:0.6kg × 10片/箱
- 賞味期限:製造日期起120天
Chocolate Roll In Sheet
- Features : Strong chocolate flavor and color offers different tastes in one bite.
- Package Specification : 0.6Kg × 10 pieces / box
- Shelf life : 120 days from the production date
- 具有草莓所賦有的酸甜風味,與麵包結合更能突顯其特性。
- 規格:0.6kg × 10片/箱
- 賞味期限:製造日期起120天
Strawberry Roll In Sheet
- Features : Sweet and sour tastes with light strawberry fragrance.
- Package Specification : 0.6Kg × 10 pieces / box
- Shelf life : 120 days from the production date
- 採用純正楓糖漿,甜度溫和自然
- 規格:0.6kg × 10片/箱
- 賞味期限:製造日期起120天
Maple Syrup Roll In Sheet
- Features : Sweet and sour tastes in one bite.
- Package Specification : 0.6Kg × 10 pieces / box
- Shelf life : 120 days from the production date
- 呈現日本沖繩黑糖與眾不同的自然風味
- 規格:0.6kg × 10片/箱
- 賞味期限:製造日期起120天
Brown Sugar Roll In Sheet
- Features :
- Package Specification : 0.6Kg × 10 pieces / box
- Shelf life : 120 days from the production date