- 若您有香料上的需求,不管是各式水果風味、食材、特殊風味等,歡迎您的洽談,我們一定盡全力幫您找到您需要的素材!
- Contact us for your requirements in condiments. No matter it is a fruit flavor, food flavor, or special flavor, we will customize it for you.
- 日本許多人氣店家愛用的麵包箱。設計簡單、優美,操作性便利。除了強度高以外,邊緣設計為密合式,既可避免衛生方面的風險,又不失美觀。
Bread Box
- Bread storage box favored by popular stores in Japan. With simple, elegant and eye-pleasing design, convenient to use. Made of high strength material with airtight rim to ensure food sanitation
德國麵包刀 X 430/21
- 刀刃長度:21cm
- 刀柄長度:12cm
- 重量:198g
Bread Knife X 430/21
- Blade length : 21cm
- Handle length : 12cm
- Weight : 198g
德國麵包刀 7431/32
- 刀刃長度:32cm
- 刀柄長度:12cm
- 重量:387g
- 產地:德國
- 刀刃材質:DINI.4116不鏽鋼
- 刀柄材質:天然橄欖木
- 麵包職人絕讚推薦!不管是硬麵包、極柔軟麵包、夾餡麵包等,各種類麵包皆可切出漂亮的切面。重量輕,第一次使用即可上手。刀刃不會彎曲,不必擔心斷裂的危險。由經驗豐富的職人一把、一把親手打造出來的獨特麵包刀。
Bread Knife 7431/32
- Blade length : 32cm
- Handle length : 12cm
- Weight : 387g
- Production : in Germany
- Blade material : DINI.4116 stainless steel
- Handle material : Olive wood
- Highly recommended by bread professionals. Easily cut through all types of bread – hard, tender, soft, or soft pastries with fillings. Light-weight, easy to use. The blade will not bend during cutting. No risk of blade fracture. A unique bread knife handmade by experienced craftsmen.